Filicudi and Alicudi

Filicudi and Alicudi

The Filicudi coast has unusual beauty: slopes formed by broom-covered terraces, tight valleys, steep cliffs and deep caves, located near Punta Perciato.
Geologically, Filicudi was the first of the seven islands of the Aeolian archipelago to be formed, through three main volcanic activities phases. A part of this volcanic system remains however submerged.
The promontory of “Capo Graziano” is testimony to prehistoric settlements. These wild islands are a place where you can enjoy silence and the crystal clear waters that surround “La Canna” rock. The crystal clear waters are ideal for scuba diving and snorkelling.

The fascinating archaeological dive takes place a hundred meters from the tip of Capo Graziano near the port. The dive begins at “Secca di Capo Graziano” (a reef), a site of great importance because of its underwater archaeology made up by the several shipwrecks occurred in ancient and modern ages. “Secca di Capo Graziano” is a rocky monolith rising from the depth, up to a height of only three meters in a series of acuminated jags. Filicudi is an island that shows strong contrasts as its landscape is not uniform and it is characterized by a wild nature.

It is an incredible island for nature lovers and hikers: footpaths and narrow treks cover almost all the island; the guided hikes allow the guests to discover the pre historical soul of the island. Alicudi, outside the trade routes, with few inhabitants and no mass tourism that other islands know, still retains all its natural charm. The equilibrium of sun, water and land at Alicudi exudes harmony and peace, with the absence of automobiles guaranteed. The only sounds you can hear are the rythm of the sea and the music of the wind on vegetation. The friendly donkeys are bred on the island and bear the weight of baggage and cargo from the port to the houses scattered on a slope.

Admiring Alicudi from the sea, natural rocks appears and caves eroded in the cliffs by the forces of nature. The “fili” are also typical examples of Alicudi’s geological nature, lava columns molded by the erosions and by the sinking of the ancient lavic rock. Differently from the emerged part, the underwater sides of Alicudi is definitely less sloping in the first thirty meters on which lie scattered a noteworthy amount of stones and rockslides. The floor of this Island has similar features all around it except some areas with sheet of rocks and sand canyons towards the open sea.
It is usually all covered with a carpet of many colored seaweeds, and rarely with the only existing seagrass, that is the Posidonia Oceanica. The dives in Alicudi can be done by more or less experienced divers because the paths take place close to the coast.